When carbon in small quantities is added to iron, ‘Steel’ is
obtained. Since the
influence of carbon on mechanical properties of iron is much
larger than other alloying
elements. The atomic diameter of carbon is less than the
interstices between iron atoms
and the carbon goes into solid solution of iron. As carbon
dissolves in the interstices, it
distorts the original crystal lattice of iron.
This mechanical distortion of crystal lattice interferes
with the external applied
strain to the crystal lattice, by mechanically blocking the
dislocation of the crystal
In other words, they provide mechanical strength.
Obviously adding more and
more carbon to iron (upto solubility of iron) results in
more and more distortion of the
crystal lattices and hence provides increased mechanical
However, solubility of more carbon influences negatively with another important
property of iron called the‘ductility’ (ability of iron to undergo large plastic
deformation). The a-iron or ferrite is very soft and it flows plastically.
Hence we see that when more
carbon is added, enhanced mechanical strength is obtained, but ductility is reduced.
Increase in carbon content is not the only way, and certainly not the desirable way to get
increased strength of steels.
More amount of carbon causes problems during the welding
process. We will see later,
how both mechanical strength and ductility of steel could be
improved even with low
carbon content. The iron-carbon equilibrium diagram is a
plot of transformation of iron
with respect to carbon content and temperature.Tool Steel Stockiest High Speed Steel Hot Die Steel Cold Work Steel
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